First Meetup: Pigeon Point October 13th

 Stargazing for Peace

Friday, October 13th 7:00pm -- 10:00pm

Stargazing for Peace

Come celebrate the beauty of dark skies at Pigeon Point! At 7:00pm, join us for a fascinating talk in the Pigeon Point Hostel on"The Importance and Wonder of Dark Skies." Following the talk, the Santa Cruz Astronomy Club will set up telescopes and help visitors stargaze off the Pacific Coast and the Fog Signal Building will be open to see the Fresnel lens light up the room. Stargazing may be canceled in case of heavy of fog and rain. The Dark Skies talk and Fog Signal Building will be open regardless.

Please remember to dress warmly and in layers. It can be chilly at night. No flash photography or flashlights. Red-beamed flashlights are fine. Feel free to bring folding chairs, blankets, and hot beverages to stay warm while stargazing.

Wheelchair and stroller accessible. Free event. For more information, call (669) 758-1155. Event made possible by Coastside State Parks Association, California State Parks, Hosteling International USA, and The Santa Cruz Astronomy Club
