
This section is inspired by the astro imaging certificate program at the RASC "Royal Astronomical Society of Candada". https://www.rasc.ca/astro-imaging-certificate

Skyscape images are generally wide-field pictures that capture an astronomical object in the evening, dawn (or nighttime) sky that also include a landscape in the frame. Skyscape images capture a scene the way it looks to the eye of the imager – either a naked-eye view (aka wide field) or a very low-power view as through binoculars.

List copied from the RASC imaging certificate:

  • Sunrise or sunset
  • Moonrise or moonset at full Moon
  • Gibbous, half, or crescent Moon
  • New Moon with earthshine
  • Moon and a planet
  • Moon or planet beside a deep-sky object
  • Two or more planets
  • Mercury
  • ISS or Iridium flare
  • Star trails
  • The Milky Way
  • Constellation
  • Asterism - Big Dipper or Summer Triangle
  • Aurora
  • Pictures showing movement of a planet or asteroid
  • Uranus or Neptune identified in a picture
  • Sun or Moon halo, or Sundogs
  • Noctilucent clouds
  • Lunar or Solar eclipse
  • Comet
  • Meteor
  • Zodiacal light
All of these targets can be photographed with just about any camera. We will schedule star parties for specific targets as opportunity arises. The events will be posted to the main page. 
