Software & tutorials


This is a free and opensource general purpose image processing application that is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux including ChromeOS.


This app can be used stand alone to edit the brightness and color curves of raw images. The GIMP also requires it to import raw images.


is a free and opensource astrophotography processing application. It's available on Windows, Mac, and Linux including ChromeOS

Here is a basic tutorial showing how to completely process images using Siril and GIMP:


This is a fairly expensive astrophotography processing that is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux including ChromeOS. It's considered the "gold standard" for astrophotography image processing. Meaning it's what other applications are compared to. 


Free and opensource Stellarium is what is known as planetarium software. It displays a simulation of the night sky. You can enter your location and time to get a good simulation of what the night sky will look like. The experience is similar to what you would see at a real planetarium, and you can use this app to help with planning a night out looking at the wonders of the sky. 


This is another planetarium app, similar to Stellarium. It is a commercial app that does need to be purchased, but it is fairly inexpensive.  


There are many astrophotography tutorials online. Here are some of my favorite channels that are both entertaining and very helpful

"Royal Astronomy Society of Canada" RASC Insiders Guide to the Galaxy:
