Image Processing on a Chromebook

 Enable Linux Environment

Chromebooks don't have very good native application support, but Linux does. The good news is that you can enable linux native apps to run on chromebooks released in 2019 or later. 

Enabling the linux environment does make the chromebook less secure so it will not work with a familylink managed account. There is still more good news though. You can add an adult account that is not managed with familylink and enable the linux environment there. This just means that you will need to login to this adult account when your kid want's to use native linux imaging processing apps. 

To add an adult account, log out of your kids account. On the login screen there is an option to add a user. Add an adult user account there. Once you do that and login to that account go to settingss -> advanced -> enable linux development. Once that is installed launch the linux command prompt, and type:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install gimp
sudo apt-get install rawtherapee

To share a folder with Crostini on a Chromebook, you can do the following: 
  1. Open the My Files app
  2. Locate the folder you want to share
  3. Right-click or double-tap the folder
  4. Select Share With Linux
The folder will be accessible in Crostini in the /mnt/chromeos directory. To revoke access, you can do the following: 
  1. Go to Settings
  2. Under Linux development environment, click Manage shared folders
Crostini is Google's term for making Linux application support easier to use and integrate with Chrome OS. Crostini runs in a virtual machine with its own kernel. Only whitelisted devices can be attached to the virtual machine. 
